
Discover and develop your talent

EMA-Music School Arcángel

Discover the programs offered by our EMA Music School! The school has a Music School made up of 4 teachers with higher degrees in their musical instruments. At the School they receive two types of talent development programs: the Junior & Talent Program that includes two weekly music classes; a group one where they develop the basic aspects of Musical Language and an individual one where they learn the chosen musical instrument. Junior Program is intended for students ages 4 to 12, the Talent Program is intended for students ages 12 and older, including adults.


  • Group
  • Day
  • Hour
  • MUSIC AND MOVEMENT (3-4 years old) Arcángel´s students
  • Thursday
  • 16:45h – 17:30h


  • MUSIC AND MOVEMENT (4-5 years old) Arcángel´s students
  • Friday
  • 14:15h – 15:00h


  • JUNIOR I (1st to 3rd Primary) Arcángel´s students
  • Monday
  • 13:35h – 14:10h
  • JUNIOR II (1st to 3rd Primary) Arcángel´s students
  • Tuesday
  • 13:35h- 14:10h
  • JUNIOR III (4th to 6th Primary) Arcángel´s students
  • Monday
  • 12:50h- 13:35h
  • JUNIOR IV (4th to 6th Primary) Arcángel´s students
  • Tuesday
  • 12:50h – 13:35h
  • JUNIOR (Maternelle) Arcángel´s students
  • Monday
  • 14:15h- 15:00h


  • JUNIOR (Mix) Arcángel´s students and external students
  • Tuesday
  • 17:00h-17:45h


  • Talent (ESO-Bachillerato) Arcángel´s students and external students
  • Friday
  • 13:50h- 14:35h


  • Chorus (ESO-BTO) Arcángel´s students
  • Friday
  • 13:50h-14:50h

Debate competition

Debate competition is an activity designed for those who want to develop their speaking abilities. We will work on how to organize a speech, how to modulate voice, how to captivate audiences, how to persuade or how to fill a stage with only our body, our gaze and our voice.

All of this will be developed in the best of scenarios: school debate tournaments. We won’t just be using our persuasion skills, we will do so in a unique environment, surrounded by students from all over Spain with similar interests, sharing experiences and enjoying a competition full of team spirit in which sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.

What students experienced last year in these competitions is hard to describe with words. There is only one way to know about it firsthand. As Lope said “He who tried, knows”.


  • Group
  • Day
  • Hour
  • 3rd ESO- Bachillerato
  • Tuesday
  • 13:50 a 14:50

Arts (maternelle)

Students have an opportunity to experiment and get to know different plastic arts. They will learn techniques and develop creativity. Activity instructed in English.

  • Group
  • Day
  • Hour
  • Arts (4-5 years)
  • Monday and Friday
  • 12:50 – 13:45h

Arts (Primary)

Students have an opportunity to experiment and get to know different plastic arts. They will learn techniques and develop creativity. Activity instructed in English.

  • Group
  • Day
  • Hour
  • Arts (1st to 3rd Primary)
  • Monday and Wednesday
  • 13:50 – 14:45h


  • Arts (4th to 6th Primary)
  • Tuesday and Thursday
  • 13:50 -14:45h

Arts (ESO Bachillerato)

Students have an opportunity to experiment and get to know different plastic arts. They will learn techniques and develop creativity. Activity instructed in English.

  • Group
  • Day
  • Hour


  • Arts
  • Tuesday and Thursday
  • 13:50 -14:45h

NEW! English Drama Workshop

Through games, improvisation techniques and text scenes, we will discover different expression tools that constitute theatrical language. We will focus on basic techniques used by actors, but we will also discover and try other fundamental roles in theatrical creation (direction, scenography, illumination, sound…). During the second half of the year, we will prepare a small piece which will be presented at the end of the school year.

  • Grupo
  • Día
  • Hora
  • Desde de 5º de Primaria a 2º de ESO
  • Viernes
  • 14.00 a 15.00h

NEW! On tourney!

We use theater to acquire fluency in French through games, theatrical techniques and small representations, related to the world around us.

  • Grupo
  • Día
  • Hora
  • De 3º de Primaria a 2º ESO
  • Martes y Jueves
  • 13:00 a 14:00h
  • De 3º de Primaria a 2º ESO
  • Martes y Jueves
  • 14:00 a 15:00h

¡NUEVO! Ajedrez

El Ajedrez desarrolla habilidades y capacidades como la concentración, ejercita la memoria, desarrolla el razonamiento lógico matemático, mejora la capacidad de resolución de problemas y toma de decisiones, incrementa la autoestima y el afán de superación, enseña a reflexionar, planificar y prevenir.

  • Grupo
  • Día
  • Hora
  • De 1º a 5 de primaria
  • Miércoles y Viernes
  • 13:00 a 14:00h
  • De 6º de Primaria a 2º de ESO
  • Miércoles y Viernes
  • 13:00 a 14:00h
  • 3º de ESO
  • Miércoles y Viernes
  • 13:00 a 14:00h

NEW! Magic

In magic school we will learn magic games, card magic, coin magic, manipulation…No previous knowledge is needed, nor is any special talent required, we start from scratch. All implements we use will be regular, easy to find and use at home or at school. Cards, paper balls, clips, paper, pen, boards…

  • Grupo
  • Día
  • Hora
  • De 1º a 3º Primaria
  • Lunes y miércoles
  • 14:00 – 15:00h
  • De 1º a 3º Primaria
  • Martes y jueves
  • 14:00 – 15:00h
  • De 4º de Primaria a 2º ESO
  • Lunes y miércoles
  • 13:00 – 14:00h
  • De 4º de Primaria a 2º ESO
  • Martes y jueves
  • 13:00 – 14:00h
  • Grupo
  • Día
  • Hora
  • Guitarra
  • Martes
  • 12.20 a 19.10h
  • Guitarra
  • Jueves
  • 12.20 a 15.30h
  • Grupo
  • Día
  • Hora
  • Lunes
  • 12:20 a 15:00
  • Martes
  • 12:20 a 15:00
  • Miércoles
  • 12:20 a 15:00
  • Jueves
  • 12:20 a 15:00
  • Viernes
  • 12:20 a 15:00
  • Grupo
  • Día
  • Hora
  • Coro de niños
  • Viernes
  • 14.00 a 15.00h
  • Grupo
  • Día
  • Hora
  • Coro de adultos
  • Viernes
  • 16.00 a 17.00h
  • Grupo
  • Día
  • Hora
  • Música y Movimiento
  • Alumnos de Infantil 4 y 5 años
  • Viernes
  • 12.30 a 13.00h
  • Grupo
  • Día
  • Hora
  • Nivel 1: Música y Movimiento
  • Viernes
  • 12.30 a 13.00


  • Nivel 2
  • Jueves
  • 13.00 a 13.30


  • Nivel 3
  • Viernes
  • 13.00-13.30


  • Nivel 4
  • Jueves
  • 14.00-14.30


  • Nivel 5
  • Jueves
  • 14.30- 15.00


  • Nivel 6
  • Viernes
  • 14.40- 15.10